
Calcium channels regulate neuroinflammation and neuropathic pain

Northwestern Medicine investigators have discovered that specific calcium channels help regulate sex differences in the functioning of immune cells for neuroinflammation and overall neuropathic pain, according to findings ...


Cerebellum better visualized with the help of new technology

The cerebellum, or our little brain, is mainly responsible for our motor skills. Furthermore, the structure is important for behavior and cognition. The cerebellum is a part of your brain located at the back of your head, ...


How nerve and vascular cells coordinate their growth

Nerve cells need a lot of energy and oxygen. They receive both through the blood. This is why nerve tissue is usually crisscrossed by a large number of blood vessels. But what prevents neurons and vascular cells from getting ...


Immune cells help protect brain health and cognition, finds study

Scientists have discovered that immune cells, known as microglia, help maintain the health of myelin—the insulating layer that forms around nerve cells—which is important for nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord to ...


Scientists identify neurons that restore walking after paralysis

In a multi-year research program coordinated by the two directors of .NeuroRestore—Grégoire Courtine, a neuroscience professor at EPFL, and Jocelyne Bloch, a neurosurgeon at Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)—patients ...

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