Gerontology & Geriatrics

Osteoporosis prevalence at femur neck, lumbar spine 12.3 percent

(HealthDay)—The age-adjusted prevalence of osteoporosis at either the femur neck or lumbar spine or both was 12.6 percent among adults aged 50 years and older in 2017 to 2018, according to a March data brief published by ...


Watching the brain learn

Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying brain plasticity (how the brain can learn, develop and reorganize itself) is crucial for explaining many illnesses and conditions. Neurocientists from the University ...


Romosozumab substantially builds bone density in hip and spine

New research presented at ACR Convergence, the American College Rheumatology's annual meeting, reveals that romosozumab, an osteoporosis drug, produces substantial gains in bone mineral density in the hip and lumbar spine ...


A new approach to analyzing the morphology of dendritic spines

Dendritic spines are small protrusions from a neuron's dendrite membrane, where contact with neighboring axons is formed to receive synaptic input. These spines have different sizes, shapes, and density. Changes in the characteristics ...


Predicting poor pain control following elective spine surgery

Researchers at the University of Calgary have developed and validated a clinical prediction scale that can be used to determine which patients are more likely to experience inadequate pain control following elective spine ...


Unlocking the mysteries of the brain

A research team highlights the mechanisms underlying memory and learning capacity—specifically, how our brains process, store and integrate information.

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