
Psilocybin use associated with lower risk of opioid addiction

Adults who have at some time in their life used psilocybin—a psychedelic substance produced by some types of mushrooms—are 30% less likely to have opioid use disorder, according to a nationally representative survey of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Where the brain processes spiritual experiences

Yale scientists have identified a possible neurobiological home for the spiritual experience—the sense of connection to something greater than oneself.


Distinct 'God spot' in the brain does not exist

Scientists have speculated that the human brain features a "God spot," one distinct area of the brain responsible for spirituality. Now, University of Missouri researchers have completed research that indicates spirituality ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Five ways singing helps humanity

We all know that singing is fun—just think back to the last time you belted out a rock tune on a family road trip, or sang along with friends, and strangers, at the pub or a music festival.

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