Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Mayo Clinic Q and A: Help with sports injuries

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am an athletic director at a middle school, and a new school year is almost here. I anticipate seeing an increase in sports-related injuries from soccer, football, cheerleading, flag football and other ...


Keeping new and young athletes healthy

A new school year presents the opportunity for many students to start a new physical activity or get back into playing their favorite sport, but it's important for parents to understand the safest way for their young athletes ...


Explaining exertional compartment syndrome

Exertional compartment syndrome is a medical condition that generally affects runners and people involved in jumping and impact sports. Symptoms may include pain, tightness, and weakness in the lower extremities. For some, ...


Q&A: Hydration in the summer

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am prone to kidney stones, so I know it's important for me to stay hydrated while I exercise. But do I need to change what I drink in the summer? A friend mentioned that I might be better with a sports ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Q and A: Strategies for staying active with joint pain

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I enjoy an active lifestyle, from gardening to playing golf, cross-country skiing and participating in water fitness. I also walk daily. My knees have begun to bother me, and I am noticing some other aches ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Q and A: To brace or not to brace

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I love being active, playing tennis, bowling, hiking and shooting hoops with my grandkids. I have arthritis in my ankle and wonder if wearing a brace would prevent injury and maybe even relieve the aches ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Reducing subsequent injuries after a concussion

As assistant professor of orthopedics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, David Howell, Ph.D., understands the relationship between concussions and subsequent injury in athletes—namely, that after suffering ...

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