
A (scientific) defence of the Brussels sprout

Brussels sprouts, like their European namesake, divide opinion. Some people embrace the flavour and familiarity of the small green vegetable. To others, they are an object of derision and disgust.


Tasty ways to get more fiber

(HealthDay)—You probably know that it's a good idea to eat more fiber. But do you know why?


Five food groups to jump-start nutrition

(HealthDay)—Most Americans still don't eat enough nutrient-rich foods from key groups including vegetables, fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy, according to federal health statistics.


Are adventurous eaters healthier?

When it comes to food, I'll try anything at least once. As I documented before, I've dined on tarantula, frog, crickets, snake, raw clams, red ants, and durian fruit – and that was just on a single trip through Asia! When ...

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