
India announces low-cost rotavirus vaccine (Update)

The Indian government announced Tuesday the development of a new low-cost vaccine proven effective against a diarrhea-causing virus that is one of the leading causes of childhood deaths across the developing world.


Advance in tuberous sclerosis brain science

Doctors often diagnose tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) based on the abnormal growths the genetic disease causes in organs around the body. Those overt anatomical structures, however, belie the microscopic and mysterious ...

Medical research

Research finds new cause for common lung problem

New research has found that in cases of lung edema, or fluid in the lungs, not only do the lungs fail to keep water out as previously believed, but they are also allowing water to pump in.


Breast CA tx delays still more common for poor, uninsured

(HealthDay)—For young women with breast cancer, a longer treatment delay time (TDT) is associated with decreased survival, especially for African-American women, those with public or no insurance, and those with low socioeconomic ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Rules must evolve to allow new drugs for early Alzheimer's

(HealthDay)—Given the shift in the focus of drug development for Alzheimer's disease toward earlier disease stages, before the onset of dementia, regulatory guidelines need to evolve, according to a perspective piece published ...


Added benefit of aclidinium bromide is not proven

The drug aclidinium bromide (trade names Eklira, Bretaris) has been approved since October 2012 for widening the narrowed airways of adults with chronic-obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The German Institute for Quality ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Diet, parental behavior, and preschool can boost children's IQ

Supplementing children's diets with fish oil, enrolling them in quality preschool, and engaging them in interactive reading all turn out to be effective ways to raise a young child's intelligence, according to a new report ...

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