Oncology & Cancer

TGFB1 mutation ups radiation-induced breast fibrosis risk

(HealthDay)—The C-509T allele in the promoter region of transforming growth factor β (TGFB1) is associated with radiation-induced breast fibrosis risk among patients with early-stage breast cancer, according to study published ...


Fetal alcohol exposure affects brain structure in children

Children exposed to alcohol during fetal development exhibit changes in brain structure and metabolism that are visible using various imaging techniques, according to a new study being presented today at the annual meeting ...

Medical research

Acupuncture reduces aromatase inhibitor-related joint pain

Among women with early breast cancer who have aromatase inhibitor-related joint pain, pain at 52 weeks is reduced with true acupuncture (TA) compared with sham acupuncture (SA) or waiting-list control (WC), according to a ...

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