Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

What are school sores and how do you get rid of them?

Impetigo, or "school sores", is a contagious infection of the very top layer of skin. It's most common in children aged two to six, and ends up spreading from child to child in schools and daycare centres, but can affect ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Antibiotics warranted for kids with minor staph infections

The overuse of antibiotics has left some doctors questioning whether to give such drugs to children diagnosed with uncomplicated staph infections. Such infections often occur on the skin and look like a pus-filled bug bite.


Eczema may leave some flu shots less effective, study finds

(HealthDay)—It's still flu season, and not too late to get your flu shot. But a new study suggests that people with eczema should request the vaccine be given into the muscle, rather than just under the skin.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Staph risk runs in families, especially among siblings

Having a first-degree relative, especially a sibling, with a history of staph infection significantly increases a person's risk for the disease, regardless of sex of the family member, comorbid conditions, or direct contamination. ...

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