
Can food taxes and subsidies improve health outcomes?

Globally, millions of deaths every year can be attributed to bad diets, and these numbers are rising. These deaths are preventable, and one strategy to encourage consumers to make healthier choices is through fiscal policy, ...


States' efforts to boost cigarette taxes slows: CDC

(HealthDay) -- Although eight states boosted their sales taxes on cigarettes over the past two years, that's a decline in the number of such increases by states compared to 2009, a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease ...


As states consider taxing opioids, drugmakers push back

Facing a rising death toll from drug overdoses, state lawmakers across the country are testing a strategy to boost treatment for opioid addicts: Force drug manufacturers and their distributors to pay for it.


Powdered alcohol approved by US regulators

(HealthDay)—U.S. regulators have approved a controversial powdered alcohol product called Palcohol, which is meant to be mixed into drinks.


As cigarette taxes go up, heavy smoking goes down

(Medical Xpress)—When cigarette taxes rise, hard-core smokers are more likely than lighter smokers to cut back, according to new research from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

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