Medical research

Researchers use iPS cells to show statin effects on diseased bone

Skeletal dysplasia is a group of rare diseases that afflict skeletal growth through abnormalities in bone and cartilage. Its onset hits at the fetal stage and is caused by genetic mutations. A mutation in the gene encoding ...


Statin use associated with less physical activity

One of the longest studies of its type has found that use of statins in older men is associated with less physical activity, a significant issue for a population that's already sedentary.


Alternative treatment for cholesterol shows promise

An experimental treatment has shown promise in lowering bad cholesterol, offering hope for people at risk of heart disease but who cannot tolerate drugs known as statins, researchers said Sunday.

Oncology & Cancer

Statin use linked to lower prostate cancer death risk

(HealthDay)—Prostate cancer patients who take the cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins appear to face a lower risk of death from their disease, new Canadian research suggests.

Medical research

New signal stabilizes atherosclerotic plaques

Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease with accumulation of cholesterol in the vessel walls. The atherosclerotic plaque is built up throughout life and when it ruptures it leads to heart attack or stroke. T cells are ...

Oncology & Cancer

New research finds statins don't reduce skin cancer risk

(Medical Xpress) -- Murmurings over the past couple of years suggesting that certain statins might reduce the risk for people developing skin cancer, have proven to be unfounded. New research by a team working out of the ...

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