
Take to the road on 2 wheels

(HealthDay)—Cycling is a fun fitness option at every age. It's easier on your joints than some other forms of cardio, yet it's just as efficient.


Exercise performance enhanced with virtual partner

(HealthDay)—Exercise duration is improved by exercising with a virtual partner, especially with a moderately superior partner, according to a study published in the October issue of the Annals of Behavioral Medicine.


Cyber partners help you go the distance

A new study, testing the benefits of a virtual exercise partner, shows that the presence of a moderately more capable cycling partner boosts motivation to stick to an exercise program. The work by Brandon Irwin and colleagues, ...


Quad bikes a major source of trauma in Victoria

The significant trauma associated with quad bikes in Victoria has been highlighted in a University of Sydney co-authored study published in the Medical Journal of Australia today.


Dealing with an exercise-related injury

(HealthDay)—If you love exercise, one of the hardest parts of suffering an injury is being sidelined. But if you take the time to heal a sprain or strain correctly, you'll get back in the game faster.

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