Medical research

New technique shows promise for heart muscle regeneration

Researchers at Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore, have developed an approach to regenerate heart muscle using stem cells. Their method for priming stem cells to become heart tissues could potentially enable heart regeneration ...


How an FDA-approved drug boosts myelin synthesis

Damage to myelin, the fatty insulator that enables communication between nerve cells, characterizes multiple sclerosis (MS) and other devastating neurological diseases.


New hope for blinding eye disease gene therapies

New opportunities towards gene therapy and diagnosis for the blinding eye disease, retinal dystrophy, may now become available following work done by the Eye Genetics Research Unit at Children's Medical Research Institute.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researchers use stem cells to combat COVID-19 pneumonia

When news of the coronavirus emerged from Wuhan, China, Kunlin Jin, Ph.D., and a team of international researchers quickly joined forces to fight the mysterious disease.

Medical research

Medical researchers decoding the aging process

Scientists are beginning to decode the complex biology of aging and are optimistic that recent advances in research may lead to treatments that can slow or even reverse degeneration and disease.


Researchers may be close to a cure for type 1 diabetes

Science could be well on its way to a cure for type 1 diabetes, as researchers hone transplant therapies designed to restore patients' ability to produce their own insulin, experts say.


2019: the year gene therapy came of age

In the summer, a mother in Nashville with a seemingly incurable genetic disorder finally found an end to her suffering—by editing her genome.

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