
An attractive solution for heart repair

Stem cell therapy is a promising option for repairing heart tissue damaged by heart attack. However, the main obstacle to cardiac stem cell therapy also happens to be pretty difficult to get around – and that's the fact ...

Medical research

Stem cell therapy helps broken hearts heal in unexpected way

Stem cell therapy helps hearts recover from a heart attack, although not for the biological reasons originally proposed two decades ago that today are the basis of ongoing clinical trials. This is the conclusion of a Nov. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer cells and stem cells share same origin: study

Oncogenes are generally thought to be genes that, when mutated, change healthy cells into cancerous tumor cells. Scientists at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California (USC) have proven that those ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cold virus, stem cells tested to destroy deadly brain cancer

A first-of-a-kind neural stem cell therapy that works with a common cold virus to seek out and attack a lethal and aggressive brain cancer is being tested at Northwestern Medicine in a Phase I clinical trial for patients ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers thwart cancer cells by triggering 'virus alert'

Working with human cancer cell lines and mice, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center and elsewhere have found a way to trigger a type of immune system "virus alert" that may one day boost cancer patients' ...


Dramatic growth of grafted stem cells in rat spinal cord injuries

Building upon previous research, scientists at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Veteran's Affairs San Diego Healthcare System report that neurons derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells ...

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