Attention deficit disorders

ADHD drugs may up risk of heart problems in kids, study finds

(HealthDay)—Whether drugs used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder boost the risk of heart conditions in children remains a subject of concern. Now, research from Denmark suggests medications such as Ritalin ...


EU drugs watchdog warns of 'legal highs' surge

The rapid emergence of synthetic new drugs, often sold online as "legal highs," represents a significant challenge for policy makers in the coming decade, a European Union drugs agency said Tuesday.

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Parkinson's in a dish: Researchers reproduce brain oscillations

Abnormal oscillations in neurons that control movement, which likely cause the tremors that characterize Parkinson's disease, have long been reported in patients with the disease. Now, University at Buffalo researchers working ...


Sweet-spot brain stimulation may halt Parkinson's progression

Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) neurologists and scientists, along with colleagues from Charité-Berlin University of Medicine, are reporting that the use of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) in a very specific location ...


U.S. fentanyl deaths soaring, especially in the West

Synthetic forms of the potentially lethal opioid fentanyl are flooding the illicit drug market, leaving a soaring number of fatal overdoses in their wake, a new U.S. report finds.

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