Medical research

Scientists eavesdrop on communication between fat and brain

What did the fat say to the brain? For years, it was assumed that hormones passively floating through the blood were the way that a person's fat—called adipose tissue—could send information related to stress and metabolism ...


Mayo Clinic minute: Preparing your pantry for severe weather

As hurricane season ramps up, emergency management officials recommend that residents in coastal communities plan for an active few months. Having the right supplies, creating a meal plan and knowing when food is no longer ...


New study reveals where memory fragments are stored

After an unforgettable dinner at a restaurant, it's not just the food that leaves a trace in your mind. The odors, the decor, the sound of the band playing, the conversations, and many other features combine to form a distinctive ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Eggs and sperm can now be stored for up to 55 years

The UK government has just extended the period that gametes (eggs and sperm) and embryos can be stored from ten years to 55 years. While this change will probably be welcomed by people who wish to have fertility treatment, ...


A single memory is stored across many connected brain regions

A new study by scientists at The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT provides the most comprehensive and rigorous evidence yet that the mammalian brain stores a single memory across a widely distributed, functionally ...


Neuroscientists identify mechanism for long-term memory storage

A University of Iowa neuroscience research team has identified a fundamental biochemical mechanism underlying memory storage and has linked this mechanism to cognitive deficits in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease and related ...

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