
Memory details fade over time, with only the main gist preserved

What information is retained in a memory over time, and which parts get lost? These questions have led to many scientific theories over the years, and now a team of researchers at the Universities of Glasgow and Birmingham ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Anxiety cues found in the brain despite safe environment

Imagine you are in a meadow picking flowers. You know that some flowers are safe, while others have a bee inside that will sting you. How would you react to this environment and, more importantly, how would your brain react? ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds potential new treatment for preventing PTSD

Research led by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation points to a groundbreaking discovery about a new potential treatment and prevention for post-traumatic stress ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Blood pressure drug holds promise for treating PTSD

There is new evidence that a 50-year-old blood pressure drug could find new purpose as a treatment to mitigate the often life-altering effects of increasingly prevalent PTSD, scientists say.

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