Psychology & Psychiatry

Grief can increase risk of heart problems, study finds

Losing loved ones can take a major toll not just on psychological well-being but also on physical health. Researchers at the University of Arizona studied the impact of grief on heart function and found that severe grief ...


New blood test could save lives of heart attack victims

Researchers from the Herring group in Oxford's Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics have developed a blood test that measures stress hormone levels after heart attacks. The test—costing just £10—could ensure ...


Stroke patients with delirium may struggle more during recovery

Every year approximately 9,000 people are admitted to hospital with stroke in Norway. Some of those who have a stroke also experience a temporary state of acute confusion. This condition is called delirium and often occurs ...


When will your medical care collapse?

A retirement wave, mass quarantine, or lack of interest to work in the countryside: There are numerous reasons why a more-than-average number of medical practices could be closing at the same time. The system usually can ...

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