
When chest pain isn't a heart attack

Aside from injuries, the second most common reason adults in the United States go to the emergency department is chest pain, accounting for more than 6.5 million visits annually. Despite the growing prevalence of cardiovascular ...


New blood test could save lives of heart attack victims

Researchers from the Herring group in Oxford's Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics have developed a blood test that measures stress hormone levels after heart attacks. The test—costing just £10—could ensure ...


Stroke patients with delirium may struggle more during recovery

Every year approximately 9,000 people are admitted to hospital with stroke in Norway. Some of those who have a stroke also experience a temporary state of acute confusion. This condition is called delirium and often occurs ...


Exploring new dimensions in surgery

When you enter Operating Theatre 3 of the new central operating department at Pius Hospital Oldenburg, Germany, the first thing you notice is the large, three-part mural on the back wall: a dreamlike landscape of white dunes, ...


When will your medical care collapse?

A retirement wave, mass quarantine, or lack of interest to work in the countryside: There are numerous reasons why a more-than-average number of medical practices could be closing at the same time. The system usually can ...

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