Medical research

A natural food supplement may relieve anxiety

A natural food supplement reduces anxiety in mice, according to a new Weizmann Institute of Science study. The plant-derived substance, beta-sitosterol, was found to produce this effect both on its own and in synergic combination ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

What do you know about Raynaud's disease?

In Raynaud's disease, smaller arteries that supply blood to your skin become narrow, limiting blood flow to affected areas. This causes some areas of your body, such as your fingers and toes, to feel numb and cold in response ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study reveals a biological link between stress and obesity

Metabolic and anxiety-related disorders both pose a significant healthcare burden, and are in the spotlight of contemporary research and therapeutic efforts. Although intuitively we assume that these two phenomena overlap, ...


Q&A: Uncertain times take their toll on teeth and jaws

If it seems like you've been gnashing your teeth over the woes of the world, there's a good chance that you have been. Dentists are seeing signs that tooth-grinding and jaw-clenching are on the rise during the pandemic, just ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Childhood trauma leaves its mark on the brain

It is well known that violent adults often have a history of childhood psychological trauma. Some of these individuals exhibit very real, physical alterations in a part of the brain called the orbitofrontal cortex. Yet a ...

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