
Q&A: Uncertain times take their toll on teeth and jaws

If it seems like you've been gnashing your teeth over the woes of the world, there's a good chance that you have been. Dentists are seeing signs that tooth-grinding and jaw-clenching are on the rise during the pandemic, just ...


Sleep health dictates success of practicing mindfulness

Sleeping an extra 29 minutes each night can be the key to improving mindfulness, a critical resource that has benefits for daily well-being and work performance. Mindfulness is achieved by purposefully bringing an individual's ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Children of academics exhibit more stress

Starting university is an exciting phase for everyone. However, children from academic households exhibit significantly more stress during this period than those from non-academic families. A Swiss-German research team has ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Acute psychotic illness triggered by Brexit Referendum

Political events can take a serious toll on mental health, a doctor has warned in the journal BMJ Case Reports, after treating a man with a brief episode of acute psychosis, triggered by the 2016 Referendum on Brexit—the ...


Heart rate variation due to stress affects auditory attention

Sudden hearing loss can be experienced in highly stressful situations, usually lasting a short time. Researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil, collaborating with colleagues at Oxford Brookes University ...

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