
New treatment option for 'wake-up' stroke patients

Detail revealed in MRI brain scans can help doctors accurately deduce when a stroke begins, according to new research, allowing treatment for many patients who currently cannot receive it.


What you need to know about strokes

(HealthDay)—Stroke is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, but a lack of awareness and resources hinder efforts to change that, the American Stroke Association says.


Women fare worse than men after a stroke

(HealthDay)—Women tend to have a tougher time recovering from a stroke than men do, though the reasons aren't completely clear, researchers say.


New treatment offers hope for better stroke recovery

Eating food from only the right side of the plate, shaving or applying make-up to only one side of the face, and running into objects on the left are common traits post stroke and for some survivors current therapies aren't ...

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