
Real-time feedback a boon in rehab

Laser-cut acrylic tiles with a 3D printed core and the capacity to be wired up to "interact" with patients offer a new tool for people recovering from stroke and other brain injury.


Copycat behaviour may assist stroke rehabilitation

Stroke survivors with impaired mobility in their arms appear to significantly improve in both motor function and confidence when they observe an individual performing a task and then mimic their actions.


Stroke survivors may be at higher risk of having cancer

People who had a stroke may develop cancer at a higher rate than those who do not have a stroke, according to research presented at the American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference 2015.


Depression predicts disturbed sleep among stroke survivors

Depression is a powerful predictor of nighttime sleep disturbances among stroke survivors, according to research presented at the Nursing Symposium of the American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference 2015.


Stroke falls to No. 5 cause of death in US

Stroke has dropped from the nation's fourth-leading cause of death to No. 5, according to new federal statistics. It is the second time since 2011 that stroke has dropped a spot in the mortality rankings.

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