
Improving stroke care: What survivors say

New Zealand stroke survivors have told researchers a range of improvements to stroke care is needed, including better access for non-urban residents to specialist stroke care units, improved support and coordination of care ...


The healing power of music for stroke survivors

Julie Stillman was 55 years old when a blood vessel in her brain suddenly burst. The hemorrhagic stroke left her unable to compose a simple sentence—a hard blow for a woman who built a career in book publishing.


Online program improves well-being of stroke survivors

Access to an online program that provides easily accessible, interactive, tailored healthy lifestyle and behavior change techniques is associated with better health-related quality of life among adult stroke survivors, according ...


Improving post-stroke recovery conversations

Conversations with stroke survivors and their loved ones about possible lasting impairment can be traumatic, but there's also potential for them to be therapeutic, according to research from The University of Queensland.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

What heart and stroke patients need to know about COVID-19 in 2022

Two years into the pandemic, researchers have learned a lot about how COVID-19 affects people with heart disease and stroke survivors. But like the coronavirus itself, what everyone needs to know keeps evolving.

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