
Cell-saving drugs could reduce brain damage after stroke

Long-term brain damage caused by stroke could be reduced by saving cells called pericytes that control blood flow in capillaries, reports a new study led by scientists from University College London.


Use of mortality as measure of stroke care questioned

A new study disputes the effectiveness of mortality as a measure of the quality of care provided by hospitals to stroke patients. The paper – which was simultaneously presented today at the International Stroke Conference ...


Video game teaches kids about stroke symptoms and calling 9-1-1

Children improved their understanding of stroke symptoms and what to do if they witness a stroke after playing a 15-minute stroke education video game, according to new research reported in the American Heart Association ...


Scientists unlock gender key to treating stroke

(Medical Xpress)—Stroke is Australia's second biggest killer after coronary heart disease and a leading cause of disability, and there is no treatment for the disease which costs the Australian economy more than $49 million ...


Stroke mortality is down, but the reason remains a mystery

(Medical Xpress)—A national group of leading scientists, including one University of Alabama at Birmingham expert, says that for more than 100 years fewer people have been dying of stroke, yet it is still unclear why this ...


Timely treatment after stroke is crucial, researchers report

For years, the mantra of neurologists treating stroke victims has been "time equals brain." That's because getting a patient to the emergency room quickly to receive a drug that dissolves the stroke-causing blood clot can ...

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