
Serum trypsinogen levels down in type 1 diabetes

(HealthDay)—Patients with type 1 diabetes have significantly lower serum trypsinogen levels than those without type 1 diabetes, according to a study published online Jan. 23 in Diabetes Care.


Adipose tissue insulin resistance up in obese-NGT, IGT, T2DM

(HealthDay)—Resistance to the antilipolytic effect of insulin (Adipo-IR) is increased in obese individuals with normal glucose tolerance (NGT), and in those with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM), ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Antibiotic gel prevents borreliosis resulting from tick bites

An antibiotic gel based on azithromycin, an antibiotic with antibacterial properties, helps to prevent the onset of Lyme borreliosis following a tick bite. That is the finding of a multi-centre international study, in which ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Home-use device safe, effective for periorbital wrinkles

(HealthDay)—A home-use device combining radiofrequency and light-emitting diode energies is safe and efficacious for self-treatment of periorbital wrinkles, according to a study published online Dec. 2 in the Journal of ...


Risk of ischemic, hemorrhagic stroke up with type 1 diabetes

(HealthDay)—The risks of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke are increased with type 1 diabetes, with incrementally increasing risks with increasing hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), according to a study published in the November issue ...


Sleep helps process traumatic experiences

If we sleep in the first 24 hours after a traumatic experience, this may help process and integrate the distressing memories more effectively, as researchers from the University of Zurich and the Psychiatric University Hospital ...


The brain's multi-track road to long-term memory

Our brain has a tough task every time we experience something new – it must be flexible to take in new information instantly, but also stable enough to store it for a long time. And new memories may not be allowed to alter ...


Virtual experience gets the elderly to exercise

Virtual Reality can get the elderly in nursing homes to be happier about exercising. A new research project from Aalborg University shows that the technology motivates older people in nursing homes to get moving.

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