
Physician approaches to palliative sedation

Physicians take two types of approaches to palliative sedation, either mild sedation or deep sedation from the start, and it is important to understand the reasons behind each approach, states an article in CMAJ (Canadian ...


Digital app can help chronic pain sufferers manage their pain

For the first time, an app has been shown to reduce key symptoms of chronic pain. A UHN-led study evaluated the impact of Manage My Pain (MMP), a digital health solution developed by ManagingLife, on patients seen at the ...


Traffic pollution and wood smoke increases asthma in adults

(Medical Xpress)—Asthma sufferers frequently exposed to heavy traffic pollution or smoke from wood fire heaters, experienced a significant worsening of symptoms, a new University of Melbourne led study has found.


Researchers describe how birch pollen affects immune cells

Birch pollen is not only a nuisance for allergy sufferers. It can also affect the cells of the innate immune system and make them more susceptible to viral infections. This was now shown by a team of researchers at TWINCORE ...


Nip springtime allergies in the bud

(HealthDay)—The spring allergy season is off to an early start and allergy sufferers need to take action to prevent symptoms, an expert says.

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