
Sugar not so sweet for mental health

Sugar may be bad not only for your teeth and your waistline, but also your mental health, claimed a study Thursday that was met with scepticism by other experts.


Protein links alcohol abuse and changes in brain's reward center

When given access to alcohol, over time mice develop a pattern similar to what we would call "problem drinking" in people, but the brain mechanisms that drive this shift have been unclear. Now a team of UC San Francisco researchers ...

Medical research

Treatment keeps alcoholic monkeys from drinking as much

A hormone produced by the liver called fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) suppresses alcohol consumption in primates, finds a study published February 1 in the journal Cell Metabolism. Vervet monkeys with a strong preference ...


Six easy ways to encourage children to eat less sugar

A new campaign from Public Health England is urging parents to limit snacks for children to two a day, and 100 calories a piece. The aim is to reduce kids' sugar consumption – according to PHE data, children eat on average ...

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