Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Consuming added sugars may increase risk of kidney stones

Between 7% and 15% of people in North America, between 5% and 9% of people in Europe, and between 1% and 5% of people in Asia suffer from kidney stones. Common symptoms are severe pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and ...

Medical research

Treatment keeps alcoholic monkeys from drinking as much

A hormone produced by the liver called fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) suppresses alcohol consumption in primates, finds a study published February 1 in the journal Cell Metabolism. Vervet monkeys with a strong preference ...


Gut to brain: Nerve cells detect what we eat

The gut and the brain communicate with each other in order to adapt satiety and blood sugar levels during food consumption. The vagus nerve is an important communicator between these two organs. Researchers from the Max Planck ...


Don't blame your genes for your toothache, twin study shows

For the first time, investigators have looked at the role that genes and the oral microbiome play in the formation of cavities and have found that your mother was right: The condition of your teeth depends on your dietary ...


Protein links alcohol abuse and changes in brain's reward center

When given access to alcohol, over time mice develop a pattern similar to what we would call "problem drinking" in people, but the brain mechanisms that drive this shift have been unclear. Now a team of UC San Francisco researchers ...


Switching sugar for starch leads to less fatty liver in kids

A nine-day experimental diet that cut out the type of sugar in soft drinks, fruit juices and most processed foods significantly reversed the buildup of liver fat in children and adolescents – a condition strongly linked ...


Sugar not so sweet for mental health

Sugar may be bad not only for your teeth and your waistline, but also your mental health, claimed a study Thursday that was met with scepticism by other experts.

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