
The piles of sugar hidden from shoppers by food manufacturers

New research shows that two thirds of all packaged foods on supermarket shelves contain added sugars—including some you might not expect—and they're hard to identify, thanks to confusing terms used by food manufacturers.


What's healthier—fresh, dried or frozen fruit?

"Eat more fruit and vegetables" is one of the most common recommendations we hear when we're encouraged to eat healthily. But when it comes to eating more fruit, we get mixed messages about how healthy fruit really is.


Seeing certain foods prompts kids to eat healthier

(Medical Xpress) -- Just because healthful foods are available in school cafeterias doesn't mean children are going to eat them, but in some cases, the very presence of such foods as whole fruit may actually prompt kids to ...


Fruit juice – just another sugary drink?

(Medical Xpress)—Drinking fruit juice is potentially just as bad for you as drinking sugar-sweetened drinks because of its high sugar content, two medical researchers from the University of Glasgow have warned.


Improving the nutritional quality of baby food

A nutritional survey of baby food on sale in Europe has shown that a significant number of products contain high sugar levels that contradict World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendations.

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