
'No added sugar' rule is a good step, but the job's not done

Australia's food regulators must develop a comprehensive definition for added sugars in processed foods to enable consumers to make healthy choices, according to new research from The George Institute for Global Health, published ...


Q&A: Is erythritol a safe and healthy sugar substitute?

Question: A friend has a family history of diabetes and obesity. She is diligent about eating healthfully and enjoys sharing new recipes and information about food. Recently she mentioned a sugar substitute called erythritol. ...


Hidden sugars making Australians' sweet habit hard to crack

Up to two-thirds of 'hidden' or added sugars in the Australian diet come from packaged foods, with Australians buying up to 11 teaspoons per person each day in their supermarket shop, according to new research.

Overweight & Obesity

Potential impact of post-Brexit trade deals on obesity and diabetes

Last week saw the publication of the government-commissioned National Food Strategy—an independent report led by restaurateur Henry Dimbleby which outlined how the country's food system and our diets need to change to meet ...

Overweight & Obesity

Researchers find health benefits of connecticut-grown sugar kelp

When most Americans think of seaweed, they probably conjure images of a slimy plant they encounter at the beach. But seaweed can be a nutritious food too. A pair of UConn researchers recently discovered Connecticut-grown ...


High-sugar diet can damage the gut, intensifying risk for colitis

Mice fed diets high in sugar developed worse colitis, a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and researchers examining their large intestines found more of the bacteria that can damage the gut's protective mucus layer.


The hormone glucagon may be a warning light for diabetes

Up to one in four Danes has an unhealthy accumulation of fat in the liver, also known as fatty liver. Fatty liver is rarely the cause of symptoms in itself, but people with fatty liver have an increased risk of developing ...

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