Psychology & Psychiatry

Suicide prevention—reacting to the tell-tale signs

Can search engines save lives? Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich researchers are working on an approach which would enable search engines to more effectively identify users who are at risk of suicide and provide ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Panel develops plan for preventing youth suicide

An independent panel convened by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has developed a 10-year roadmap for advancing research to prevent youth suicide. The panel listed 29 recommendations that address three critical issues: ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Australia's suicide rate the highest in 10 years

Suicide will continue to be the main cause of death for Australians aged 15 to 44 unless proven prevention strategies are implemented, according to the Black Dog Institute.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Alcohol policies contribute to suicide prevention, review shows

Restrictive alcohol policies, such as those limiting liquor store density or imposing taxes on alcohol, have been shown to have a "protective effect" in reducing suicides, according to a newly published review led by Boston ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Know the warning signs of suicidal thoughts

(HealthDay)—Family, friends and acquaintances can play a key role in suicide prevention by being alert for signs and taking action to help someone who may be struggling, a mental health expert says.

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