Psychology & Psychiatry

Predicting US Army suicides after hospital discharge

It has long been known that patients recently discharged from psychiatric hospitalizations have a significantly elevated suicide risk. However, the rarity of suicide even in this high-risk segment of the population makes ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Higher suicide risk after served prison sentence

People who have been in prison run a higher risk of committing suicide; 18 times that of the general population. By far the highest risk of suicide comes in the first months after release and among individuals with a history ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

In studying suicide, he shines a light on a secret shame

When people think of public health, they do not often think of suicidology—the study of the causes and prevention of suicide. Historically, public health has been either associated with Hollywood-style images of government ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Perfectionism is a bigger than perceived risk factor in suicide

Perfectionism is a bigger risk factor in suicide than we may think, says York University Psychology Professor Gordon Flett, calling for closer attention to its potential destructiveness, adding that clinical guidelines should ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

One person commits suicide every 40 seconds, WHO reports

One person commits suicide every 40 seconds—more than all the yearly victims of wars and natural disaster—with the highest toll among the elderly, the United Nations said Thursday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Robin Williams' death focuses attention on suicide

Each year, thousands of American adults commit suicide—39,518 in 2011, the most recent year for which data are available. But it took one suicide, that of actor/comedian Robin Williams, to focus attention on the problem ...

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