Psychology & Psychiatry

CDC: 1999 to 2018 saw 35 percent increase in suicide rates

(HealthDay)—Suicide rates increased 35 percent from 1999 through 2018, according to an April data brief published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How pets can be true lifesavers for seniors

(HealthDay)—Having a furry, fluffy or feathered friend can have a profound effect on seniors' mental health, possibly even helping prevent some suicides, new research suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Pets may protect against suicide in older people

It's a sad fact that suicide rates among people over 60 are the highest of any age group in Australia, but a new study published today from the University of South Australia has found an unexpected savior—pets.

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