Medical research

Sunlight continues to damage skin in the dark

Much of the damage that ultraviolet radiation (UV) does to skin occurs hours after sun exposure, a team of Yale-led researchers concluded in a study that was published online Feb. 19 by the journal Science.

Oncology & Cancer

New study helps scientists understand melanoma development

(Medical Xpress)—A new study by University of Kentucky researchers shows how a genetic defect in a specific hormonal pathway may make people more susceptible to developing melanoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer.


Kids are at risk for sun damage during spring break

As families prepare to escape the winter weather for somewhere warmer this spring break, they should exercise caution when exposing their skin to the sun after a long winter indoors. Loyola University Health System (LUHS) ...

Medical research

Fresh faced: Looking younger for longer

Newcastle University researchers have identified an antioxidant Tiron, which offers total protection against some types of sun damage and may ultimately help our skin stay looking younger for longer.

Oncology & Cancer

New light-activated suncream will cut skin cancer

With a Bank Holiday weekend around the corner and the expected return of sunny weather, families around Britain are hoping not to put the suncream away just yet.

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