Oncology & Cancer

Some sun protection behaviors up with history of NMSC

(HealthDay)—Individuals with previous nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) are more likely to engage in certain sun protection behaviors than those without previous NMSC, according to a study published online May 16 in the Journal ...

Oncology & Cancer

New dumb-but-deadly trend: Sunburn 'art'

(HealthDay)—Sunburns are painful and potentially cancer-causing, but that hasn't stopped them from becoming an increasingly popular means of artistic expression.

Oncology & Cancer

Skin cancer rates five times higher than in 70s

(Medical Xpress)—The rates of people diagnosed with malignant melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, are now five times higher than 40 years ago, according to figures announced by Cancer Research UK.

Oncology & Cancer

New light-activated suncream will cut skin cancer

With a Bank Holiday weekend around the corner and the expected return of sunny weather, families around Britain are hoping not to put the suncream away just yet.

Oncology & Cancer

Skin cancer death rates 70 percent higher in men

(Medical Xpress)—According to research conducted by Cancer Research UK and the University of Leeds, 3.4 men per 100,000 die from malignant melanoma each year in the UK, compared with 2.0 women. But incidence rates are similar ...

Oncology & Cancer

Parents risk skin cancer by not practising what they preach

Forty per cent of UK parents (which equates to around 4.5 million) of children aged 16 or under admit they often forget to protect their skin in strong sun because they are concentrating on protecting their children instead, ...

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