Oncology & Cancer

Stop the clot! Just six extra minutes to save cancer patients

Blood clots and infections are the leading killers of patients being treated for cancer. Rebecca Sharp, a nursing lecturer from University of South Australia, has devised a simple method that will reduce the development of ...


Not 'junk' anymore: Obscure DNA has key role in stroke damage

A study of rats released today shows that blocking a type of RNA produced by what used to be called "junk DNA" can prevent a significant portion of the neural destruction that follows a stroke. The research points toward ...


Why does everyone seem to have food intolerances these days?

Most of you will have noticed hosting a dinner party is harder than it used to be. One friend is gluten-free, another is dairy-free, one can't eat onion and two more are vegetarian. Are food intolerances increasing? Or do ...


New target for Alzheimer's therapies found

The protein medin is deposited in the blood vessels of the brains of Alzheimer's patients along with the protein amyloid-β. Researchers from DZNE have discovered this so-called co-aggregation. They have now published their ...

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