
Twitter health amplifiers combat COVID-19 misinformation

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, when false information about the virus began to spread on Twitter, physicians and scientists from Northwestern Medicine and other institutions banded together to combat the deadly ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Alarm bells as US abortion ruling fuels rush on morning-after pill

When the US Supreme Court overturned the nationwide right to abortion, Julie Crowe went straight online to do some shopping. She ordered 10 packs of the emergency contraceptive pill known as Plan B for immediate delivery.


FDA mulling over-the-counter sale of contraceptive pill

For decades, birth control pills in the United States have only been available with a prescription, but an application filed Monday with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for an over-the-counter pill might change all ...


Turnaway study shows impact of abortion access on well-being

A study conducted by UC San Francisco reveals the long-term adverse effects of unwanted pregnancy on people's lives, pointing to widespread challenges that will result from the U.S. Supreme Court ruling to overturn the constitutional ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Biden to sign executive order on abortion access

Under growing pressure from his own party, President Joe Biden on Friday plans to use the power of the White House to protect a woman's access to abortion, three sources familiar the matter told the Associated Press.

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