Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Severe COVID-19 is a thrombotic disease, study claims

Blood clotting (thrombosis) in the capillary vessels of the lungs is one of the first consequences of severe COVID-19, even preceding the respiratory distress caused by diffuse alveolar damage, according to a Brazilian study ...


Chaperoning fat storage: The molecular basis of adiposity

Weight gain and weight loss are not as simple as "calories in, calories out," given that countless factors affect body weight. Now, researchers from Japan have identified a gene that may serve as a master regulator of fat ...

Biomedical technology

New 'patch' uses natural body motion to fix disk herniation

A new biologic "patch" that is activated by a person's natural motion could be the key to fixing herniated disks in people's backs, according to researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania ...


Texas lab unlocks keys to alcohol withdrawal headache

About 283 million people worldwide suffer from alcohol use disorder, a debilitating health challenge for which limited therapeutic options are available. The cost to society is estimated at greater than $2 trillion annually.

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