Oncology & Cancer

Robotic surgery may improve outcomes in mouth and throat cancer

Robotic surgery for patients with early stage, oropharyngeal squamous cell cancer is associated with improved health outcomes, including better long-term survival, according to a Cedars-Sinai study published Thursday in JAMA ...


Extending the hands of the endoscopic surgeon

More precision and less cost for endoscopic surgeries: the tool developed by DistalMotion, a spin-off of EPFL, will allow surgeons to reproduce their exact movements. The prototype was just released from the lab, and on the ...


Robot-inserted needles and catheters

Researchers at the UPM are involved in the design of a robotic arm for precise guidance of the insertion of needles, catheters and surgical instruments in procedures of minimally invasive surgery.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Robot features faster and more comfortable COVID-19 swabbing

A group of clinicians from the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS), Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and Duke-NUS Medical School has partnered Biobot Surgical Pte Ltd, one of Singapore's pioneers in the field of medical ...

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