
CDC: National bone mineral density data released

(HealthDay)—For individuals 8 years of age and older, total bone mineral density (BMD) varies by race/ethnicity and by age, according to national survey data published by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).

Psychology & Psychiatry

When dads play favorites, the kids know

(Medical Xpress)—Sibling Baby Boomers are likely to be more bothered by their fathers' favoring one over another than by their mothers' doing so, reports a new Purdue University study.


Cultural differences in children's fight against fat

(Medical Xpress)—NSW primary school children from Middle-Eastern and Asian backgrounds are significantly more overweight than children from English-speaking backgrounds and have lower levels of physical activity and cardiovascular ...


Vitamin D: More may not be better

In recent years, healthy people have been bombarded by stories in the media and on health websites warning about the dangers of too-low vitamin D levels, and urging high doses of supplements to protect against everything ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Online or off, bullying proves harmful

Children who are bullied online or by mobile phone are just as likely to skip school or consider suicide as kids who are physically bullied, according to a study led by a Michigan State University criminologist.

Overweight & Obesity

Old age offers no protection from obesity's death grip

Obesity kills, giving rise to a host of fatal diseases. This much is well known. But when it comes to seniors, a slew of prominent research has reported an "obesity paradox" that says, at age 65 and older, having an elevated ...

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