Oncology & Cancer

Enhanced melanoma vaccine offers improved survival for men

A second-generation melanoma vaccine being developed at UVA Cancer Center improves long-term survival for melanoma patients compared with the first-generation vaccine, new research shows. Interestingly, the benefit of the ...

Oncology & Cancer

Internal skin cancer prevention: Repairing UV damage in the skin

(Medical Xpress) -- Scientists at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI) of the Novartis Research Foundation have elucidated the mechanisms underlying the repair of UV-induced damage in DNA, which ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers discover new way to starve brain tumors

Scientists from Queen Mary University of London, funded by the charity Brain Tumor Research, have found a new way to starve cancerous brain tumor cells of energy in order to prevent further growth.

Oncology & Cancer

Gene research gives new insight into pancreatic cancer

One reason pancreatic cancer has a particularly low survival rate is the difficulty in getting drugs to the tumour, but new knowledge of how pancreatic cancer cells invade neighbouring cells could change that.

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