
Breaking Bad and crystal meth—a chemical reaction

Crystal meth has at least two faces, in common with those people unfortunate enough to succumb to its charms, as these horrific before-and-after pics show. I'd like to look at the drug chemically, to shine a light on what ...


Neuroscientists create phantom sensations in non-amputees

The sensation of having a physical body is not as self-evident as one might think. Almost everyone who has had an arm or leg amputated experiences a phantom limb: a vivid sensation that the missing limb is still present. ...


How to exercise in the summer without heat exhaustion

With a kilometer to go, triathlete Sarah True was pulled from the 2019 Ironman European Championship in Frankfurt, Germany, due to heat exhaustion. She was in the lead by seven minutes after having swum, biked and run nearly ...

Medical research

Detailed structure of the sweat gland revealed

Researchers at Osaka University have characterized the structure of human sweat glands down to the single-cell level; the findings clarify the functional components of these glands and their interactions with the vasculature ...

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