
Persimmons pack plenty of nutritional punch

Persimmons are low in calories and high in fiber—a combination that makes them a good choice for weight control. Their mix of antioxidants and nutrients—including vitamins A and C—makes them ideal for a healthy diet.


Sugar causes obesity even without sweet taste

Sugar causes obesity even in the absence of its sweet taste, according to a new study. The research was conducted in mice and also uncovered an increased risk of metabolic syndrome (increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, ...


Sweet-taste perception changes as children develop

Compared with adults, children and adolescents are less sensitive to the sweet taste and need 40% more sucrose in a solution for them to detect the taste of sugar, a new study found.


Get the veggies, skip the starch

(HealthDay)—Who doesn't love a big serving of creamy mashed potatoes or a side of steamy rice with their chicken? They're delicious, but it's easy to overindulge in these starchy, higher-calorie foods while falling short ...

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