
Danish nasal filter more than halves symptoms of hay fever

Getting through the pollen season can now become easier for some of the approximately 500 million people worldwide who suffer from sneezing and a runny nose, watery eyes and drowsiness during the allergy season (seasonal ...


AAN: phenytoin neuroprotective in optic neuritis

(HealthDay)—Phenytoin appears to be neuroprotective in acute optic neuritis (AON), according to a study scheduled to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, held from April 18 to 25 in Washington, ...


Desert dust events may trigger myocardial infarctions

(HealthDay)—Exposure to Asian dust (AD), a windblown sand dust originating from mineral soil in China and Mongolia, a few days before symptom onset is associated with the incidence of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), ...


Study shows combination stroke therapy safe and effective

The combination of the clot-busting drug tPA with an infusion of the antiplatelet drug eptifibatide dissolves blood clots safely and more quickly than tPA alone, a study led by University of Cincinnati (UC) researchers has ...

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