Alzheimer's disease & dementia

In Alzheimer's mice, memory restored with cancer drug

Memory and as well as connections between brain cells were restored in mice with a model of Alzheimer's given an experimental cancer drug, Yale School of Medicine researchers reported in the journal Annals of Neurology.


Researcher explores decoding of complex neural circuits

A University of Wyoming faculty member is part of a research team that created a method, using laser, to better decode complex neural circuits in the brain—a process that eventually may help unlock the mysteries of epilepsy, ...


Memory in silent neurons

When we learn, we associate a sensory experience either with other stimuli or with a certain type of behavior. The neurons in the cerebral cortex that transmit the information modify the synaptic connections that they have ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Looking for origins of Alzheimer's disease to find a treatment

Six or so years ago, Frank Longo, MD, PhD, Stanford's chair of neurology and neurological sciences, was optimistic that a treatment for Alzheimer's disease was on its way. More than a decade earlier, pharmaceutical companies ...


Scientists shed new light on nerve cell growth

Amidst the astounding complexity of the billions of nerve cells and trillions of synaptic connections in the brain, how do nerve cells decide how far to grow or how many connections to build? How do they coordinate these ...


New finding suggests a way to block stress' damage

Ketamine, an anesthetic sometimes abused as a street drug, increases the synaptic connections between brain cells and in low doses acts as a powerful antidepressant, Yale researchers have found. However, stress has the opposite ...

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