Medical research

New app gives throat cancer patients their voice back

Vlastimil Gular's life took an unwelcome turn a year ago: minor surgery on his vocal cords revealed throat cancer, which led to the loss of his larynx and with it, his voice.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Voice prostheses can help patients regain their lost voice

Help is on the way for people who suffer from vocal cord dysfunction. Researchers are developing methods that will contribute to manufacturing voice prostheses with improved affective features. For example, for little girls ...


Researcher gives subjects their voice

Stephen Hawking and a 9-​​year-​​old girl with a speech dis­order most likely use the same syn­thetic voice. It's called Per­fect Paul and it's easy to under­stand, espe­cially in acousti­cally chaotic envi­ron­ments ...


Engineering prosthetic voices

"Never heard me before." That's what William, a 9-year-old boy with a speech-language disorder, said the first time he used the prosthetic voice that Northeastern associate professor Rupal Patel made just for him.