Medical research

Researchers develop a portable blood ammonia detector

Seated around the dinner table, faculty affiliated with Stanford ChEM-H—one of Stanford University's interdisciplinary institutes—spoke one-by-one, pitching ideas for collaborative research. Inspired by a recent medical ...


The not-so-sweet truth about sugars

Whether all sweeteners produce the same metabolic effects in consumers is a controversial topic. A study conducted by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) investigators indicates that consuming lower amounts of added sugars ...


Blame sugar? We've been doing that for over 100 years

After a successful soda tax was passed last year in Berkeley, California, copycat laws are being proposed across the US, often with the support of nutritionists, medical professionals and a majority of the voting public. ...


Scientists offer sweet solution to marathon fatigue

It turns out a spoonful of sugar might not just help the medicine go down, but could also help stave off tiredness faced by weary marathon runners – or other long-distance athletes – when they hit the wall.


The sugar wars: Rhetoric or reason?

Over the past 50 years researchers, clinicians, professional organizations, and health charities have waged war on sugar, calling for dietary recommendations to be changed and for a sugar tax on soft drinks and sweet treats ...

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