Oncology & Cancer

New brain cancer drug targets revealed

Researchers from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and The Cleveland Clinic designed a way to screen brain tumor cells and identify potential drug targets missed by other methods. The team successfully used ...

Medical research

Do BAT receptors hold the key to treating obesity and diabetes?

According to research published online in The FASEB Journal, scientists have discovered a way to increase the amount of metabolism-boosting brown adipose tissue (BAT) ("good" fat) by employing two receptors on BAT cells as ...


Scientists find therapeutic target for diabetes-related blindness

Specific cells in the retina trigger inflammation and vision impairment associated with diabetes, according to new research out of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. The findings unexpectedly implicate Mueller ...

Oncology & Cancer

Finding new cancer drugs in the neighborhood

Cancer is caused by an accumulation of genetic changes in a cell, that overcome the normal checks and balances leading to uncontrolled growth. A complex, interacting network of proteins controls all of a cell's processes, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study identifies gastric cancer biomarker and possible treatment

Scientists at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Miami, and Shantou University Medical College in China, have shown that the ...

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