Psychology & Psychiatry

Motivation as a source of energy against mental fatigue

During periods of mental fatigue, motivation can play a large role in enabling you to carry out your task for a longer period of time. If your 'battery' runs on empty, then a good dose of motivation can provide enough fuel ...


Hormone therapy safe for women, study finds

(Medical Xpress)—A new study has examined the cognitive effects of hormone therapy on memory, language and concentration in menopausal women.


Possible 'steps' to revealing super-agers

On the quest for the proverbial fountain of youth, scientists have long looked for evidence of super-agers—people whose brain ages slower than their body. Researchers at the Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience at the University ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study shows benefits of multi-tasking on exercise

Who says you can't do two things at once and do them both well? A new University of Florida study challenges the notion that multi-tasking causes one or both activities to suffer. In a study of older adults who completed ...


Power of illusion can help with learning new movements

Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University showed that visual aids that create the illusion of movement, like a screen placed in front of one's hand showing the hand move, can improve motor performance and the early stages ...


Breakfast excellent fuel for learning

As children head back to school this week, new research by the University of Leeds has shown that children who eat breakfast are more likely to have higher school grades.


The age from when children can hop on one leg

Motor development in children under five years of age can now be tested reliably: Together with colleagues from Lausanne, researchers from the University Children's Hospital Zurich and the University of Zurich have determined ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Young vs. old: Who performs more consistently?

Sometimes it's just not your day: First you can't remember where you put your car keys, then you forget about an important meeting at work. On days like that, our memory seems to let us down. But are there actually "good" ...

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