
Re-mapping taste in the brain

What happens in our brain that makes us experience the sweet taste of a donut or the bitter taste of tonic water? What are the patterns of neural activity responsible for the perception of taste? A new study from Stony Brook ...


Obesity tied to weakened response to taste

Obesity is connected with a reduced response to taste, according to a new study featuring faculty at Binghamton University, State of University of New York.

Medical research

Smelling with your tongue

Scientists from the Monell Center report that functional olfactory receptors, the sensors that detect odors in the nose, are also present in human taste cells found on the tongue. The findings suggest that interactions between ...


Does a sweet tooth affect sugar intake?

It has long been known taste plays an important role in many of our food choices, but what if we knew whether having a so-called "sweet tooth" did indeed lead to a sugar habit?

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